Noteworthy Results


October 2024

A Midlothian homeowner received a judgment against a contractor who lied about being a licensed electrician. It is a misdemeanor offense to hold falsely hold oneself out as a licensed electrician in Texas.  Electricians are required by the Texas Administrative Code and the Occupations Code to prominently display their license number. Our expert, a master electrician licensed over 30 years stated that not only was the contractor unlicensed but the way in which he and his "staff" installed the ground wire was a catastrophic certainty. It was not a question of whether there would have been a fire, but it was a near certainty. The Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 awarded Plaintiffs $20,000.00 in damages and attorney's fees. 

Attorney Joseph "Jody" LaFleur, our founding shareholder who tried the case said that calls come in almost daily from homeowners who have been ripped off.  It is an ever growing problem especially in counties like Ellis County, Texas where there is significant growth.  There are several things a consumer can do before hiring a contractor.  First, verify their license with the Texas Department of Licensing.  Second, arrange for a consult with an attorney to advise you about things like the Texas Construction Trust Fund Act.  Know your rights before your hire and know how to spot the fraud before it happens.

Practice area(s): Civil Litigation

Court: Justice of the Peace

Joseph "Jody" LaFleur

Founding Shareholder